Kölsch, But No Cigar
5.3% ABV
This cool fermented ale is our lightest ale, but still has plenty to offer. The German pilsner malt shines with bready cereal and mild grassy notes. Extreme thirst-quenching on a hot summer day (and not bad on other days either)!

5.5% ABV
A classic amber ale with biscuit and caramel flavors. A subtle roast has been added to keep it balanced with the moderate bitterness.
Jarrylo hop pale ale
ABV 6%
The Jarrylo hop is just one of our many rotating sing-hop pale ales. With pear, pineapple and citrus to start and a sweet, smooth malt finish, this ale is tasty any time of year.

Belgian IPA
6.8% ABV
A perfect balance of Belgian yeast, American malt, and NW hops. The pineapple and forest pine hops blend for a unique and vibrant flavor. It has an overall smooth and sweet taste with light bittering.

Broken Spanish Dark Rye Saison
5.7% ABV
Brewed with a light, wild saison yeast, this beer combines spicy rye notes with hints of chocolate and a well-rounded malt to leave you refreshed and satisfied.
Little Bitter (Bitter Monk)
3.5% ABV
This ale is an American twist on a British beer. It has been brewed to be light in alcohol and full in flavor, allowing you to enjoy it all night and maintain a clear head. A true session ale.
Conifer IPA
Pale and crystal malts provide a simple backdrop for the pungent NW hop profile. Chinook and Columbus hops deliver the resinous and piney flavor and aroma that the name implies.
Coffee Porter w/ To The Roots Espresso
5% ABV
This beer wavers the line - too heavy to be a brown, too light to be a porter. Brewed with To The Roots Espresso, it has robust roast notes of coffee and chocolate with a sweet, malt forward flavor and a mild citrus finish.

Clearcut IPA
5.3% ABV
This IPA was inspired for summer drinking but will quench a thirst all year long. Clean, mineral flavor with a fruity hop finish.
Larry’s IPA
8.0% ABV
Larry’s is a big IPA with enough classic American hops to fall into a IIPA category. A touch of honey malt helps balance the citrus and pine of Chinook and Casacde hops.

Blonde Belma
5.7% ABV
A clean, well hopped ale with orange and pineapple notes. Rounded and smooth with a light malty palate.
Oatmeal Stout
5.0% ABV
Dark chocolate and velvety smooth, roasty and sweet. A healthy addition of oats makes this one of our most complex beers.